Top 5 Grants for Woodland Creation in England


Creating and expanding woodlands is essential for enhancing biodiversity, sequestering carbon, and promoting sustainable land management. For landowners in England, navigating the myriad of grants available can be a daunting task. To help you on this journey, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to the top five grants for woodland creation, offering insights into their benefits, eligibility criteria, and application processes. These grants are not only crucial for enhancing woodland cover but also for supporting the fight against climate change through sustainable forest management.

1. England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)

The England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) is one of the flagship schemes available for landowners looking to create new woodlands. Managed by the Forestry Commission, EWCO provides substantial financial support aimed at encouraging woodland creation across England.


  • Capital Funding: Up to £10,200 per hectare for standard costs of tree planting and establishment.
  • Additional Contributions: Enhanced payments for public benefits delivered by the woodlands, up to £11,600 per hectare – a 45% increase from the previous amount. This can increase to £12,700 per hectare if the land qualifies for the new Low Sensitivity Land Payment.
  • Annual Maintenance Payments: Raised from £350 to £400 per hectare per year, for 15 years.
  • Special Payments:
    • Low Sensitivity Land Payment: £1,100 per hectare for planting on land less suitable for food production.
    • Nature Recovery – Premium Payment: £3,300 per hectare for planting or natural colonisation of biodiverse woodlands adjacent to ancient woodland.
    • Flood Risk Management: Increased from £500 to £1,000 per hectare.
    • Recreational Access: Increased from £2,200 to £3,700 per hectare.


  • The land must be located in England.
  • The woodland creation project should be designed to meet the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS).
  • The minimum area for woodland creation is one hectare.

Application Process:

  • Submit an initial application outlining your project and its compliance with the UKFS.
  • Provide detailed planting plans, maps, and any required environmental assessments.
  • The Forestry Commission will review and approve eligible projects, releasing funds in stages as planting and establishment milestones are met.
  • For projects with at least 90% of land on low sensitivity land, the new Woodland Creation Fast Track can process applications within 12 weeks.

More Information:

  • Detailed guidance and application forms are available on the Forestry Commission’s website​​.

2. Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG)

The Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG) supports the planning and design phase of woodland creation projects. This grant is particularly useful for ensuring that proposed woodlands meet all regulatory and environmental standards before planting begins.


  • Stage 1 Payment: £1,500 to assist with initial site assessment and data gathering.
  • Stage 2 Payment: £150 per hectare for detailed planning, capped at £30,500 per application.


  • Projects must aim to create at least five hectares of new woodland.
  • The proposed woodland must be located in England and comply with UKFS guidelines.

Application Process:

  • Submit an application to the Forestry Commission for the initial assessment (Stage 1).
  • If approved, proceed to Stage 2 for detailed planning, including site appraisals and draft design plans.
  • Final approval will unlock funding for the implementation phase.

More Information:

  • Applications are accepted year-round, and further details can be found on the Forestry Commission’s website​​.

3. Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is a cornerstone of England’s Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, encouraging sustainable practices that include agroforestry and woodland creation. This scheme is instrumental in promoting sustainable forest management practices that enhance both biodiversity and climate resilience.


  • Payments for Agroforestry: Up to £385 per hectare annually for maintaining low-density in-field agroforestry systems.
  • Multiple Actions: Support for various sustainable land management practices, enhancing overall biodiversity and ecosystem services.


  • Available to farmers and land managers in England.
  • Land must be registered and meet the eligibility criteria for agricultural land types.
  • Specific actions, such as maintaining agroforestry systems, have detailed requirements regarding tree density and land use compatibility.

Application Process:

  • Farmers must read the SFI scheme information to understand the rules and apply via the Rural Payments Agency.
  • Applications should detail the proposed actions and how they align with the SFI objectives.

More Information:

  • Further guidance and application details are available on the GOV.UK website​​.

4. Countryside Stewardship (CS)

Countryside Stewardship (CS) offers various grants aimed at improving the natural environment, including support for woodland creation and management. These grants play a pivotal role in enhancing woodland cover, contributing to climate change mitigation, and promoting sustainable forest management.


  • Woodland Creation Grant: Capital payments for planting, protection, and maintenance of new woodlands.
  • Higher Tier Agreements: Enhanced funding for projects that deliver significant environmental benefits, such as habitat restoration and flood risk management.


  • Open to farmers, foresters, and land managers in England.
  • Projects must align with the CS objectives of enhancing biodiversity, landscape, and public engagement.

Application Process:

  • Applicants need to submit a comprehensive plan detailing the proposed woodland creation, including environmental assessments and planting schemes.
  • Higher Tier applications require more detailed proposals and are subject to a competitive selection process.

More Information:

  • Detailed guidance and application timelines are available on the Rural Payments Agency website​​.

5. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Market

While not a traditional grant, the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) market offers significant opportunities for landowners to fund woodland creation through biodiversity credits. Under new legislation, developers are required to ensure their projects deliver a net gain in biodiversity, creating a market for biodiversity units. This market is essential for promoting sustainable forest management and enhancing woodland cover to combat climate change.


  • Financial Incentives: Landowners can sell biodiversity units generated from woodland creation and enhancement.
  • Long-term Management: Provides funding for the creation and maintenance of habitats for at least 30 years.


  • Suitable for landowners who can create or enhance habitats that provide biodiversity units.
  • Must comply with the statutory biodiversity metric tool and BNG requirements.

Application Process:

  • Work with an ecologist to measure the biodiversity value of your existing habitat and the potential gain from woodland creation.
  • Register your site on the national biodiversity gain sites register and sell units to developers.

More Information:

  • Guidance on using the biodiversity metric tool and participating in the BNG market is available on the GOV.UK website​​.

Enhancing Woodland Cover to Combat Climate Change

One of the primary objectives of increasing woodland cover in England is to combat climate change. Trees play a crucial role in sequestering carbon dioxide, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint. By participating in woodland creation schemes, landowners can contribute significantly to the UK's climate goals. The grants outlined in this article not only provide financial incentives but also promote sustainable forest management practices that enhance the resilience of our natural landscapes.

Maximising Grant Funding for Sustainable Forest Management

Leveraging the available grant funding effectively can transform underutilised land into thriving woodlands that benefit both the environment and the landowners. With grants like EWCO, WCPG, SFI, CS, and BNG, landowners have multiple avenues to secure funding for woodland creation. Each of these grants supports different aspects of sustainable forest management, from planning and planting to long-term maintenance and biodiversity enhancement.

By integrating sustainable forest management practices with the financial support provided by these grants, landowners can ensure that their woodland creation projects are both economically viable and environmentally beneficial. This approach not only helps in achieving personal land management goals but also contributes to broader environmental objectives such as enhancing biodiversity, improving air and water quality, and increasing the overall woodland cover in England.

Discover Your Options with Grant

Understanding and choosing the right grant funding options can be complex. That's where Grant, our digital woodland creation advisor, comes in. Grant helps landowners navigate the intricacies of various grant schemes, ensuring that you can maximise the benefits and make informed decisions about your woodland creation projects.